1Core Attend Time Clock Role creation for Center:
The Owner or the Company Admin can create the Time clock Role as mentioned below.
Access Path: Company Dashboard-->Role Management--->Add New Role.
- Create Timeclock Role.
- Choose the Location as Single.
- Once after creating the role, click Edit under Permission
- Enable only the Time & Attendance tracking function and Save
- Once enabled, the page will reload and the edit link will appear on the right, click on the Edit icon and enable the required functions
- Enable the required reports under Center Reports tab.
- Enable the required functions under Center Function tab
Time clock Username Creation:
The Time clock user can be created as mentioned below.
Access Path: Company DashboardàUsersàAdd New User
- Create a Username, by completing all the required field.
- Under Role, select Timeclock.
- Under Location Assignment for Single Center, select the available location.
- Once after when the User is created, the Owner or Company Admin can change the password anytime by editing the respective username.
For Multiple Center Location:
Select the respective location under Location Assignment
The Owner or Company Admin can create a timeclock user for every single location