When you receive a payment from the Agency, you should use the following function:


Center Dashboard--> Functions --> Agency --> Agency Payment Posting with Automatic Application


Subsidy Agencies typically pay for multiple children with a single check or bank direct deposit. With each payment, the Agency provides a statement indicating which children and charges are being paid for. This Agency Posting function is designed to help you allocate the Agency Payment to the respective children accurately as shown below.


First, select the billing and posting related information related to the payment received:


 Next, enter the agency payment amount for each child as outlined in the agency statement:


Note: Click on the “Calculate Total” button when you are done entering the payments for all the children. Only when the calculated total equals to the check amount, the “Next” button will be enabled.





On the next screen, the system will calculate and apply the difference between the payment amount and the billed amount. The Underpayment and Overpayment will be automatically calculated and placed on the column shown below:



Left as outstanding balance from Agency 

Transfer to Sponsor’s (Parent) leger

Write-off  Overpayment

Left as outstanding overpayment from Agency

True-up (automatically create a tuition charge to the agency ledger to true up the billing amount to match the agency payment amount)



Once everything looks correct, click on the “Next” button to do final review before submitting to post these transactions to the ledgers.