You can view and download the classes assigned to the staff by clicking the 'Staff Schedule' icon from the Learn@Home home page.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Learn@Home > Staff Schedule icon

You can access the Weekly/Daily Staff schedule list by selecting Weekly/Daily options from the ‘View’ drop-down list on the Staff Schedule page. 

By default, you will be taken to the Staff Weekly Schedule page when you select the ‘Staff Schedule’ icon from the Learn@Home home page.


You can select the 'More' option to view the individual Class Details page. The Class Details page will have a particular class schedule, capacity, instructor details, and participants list.

You can also group the Weekly/Daily Staff Schedule by Staff/Classroom/Category. 

Related Articles:

  1. Manage Virtual Classrooms
  2. Enrollments : Create,add and edit
  3. How to set up a virtual classroom