1.  Downloadable Enrollment list and Scheduled Classes list

2. Staff Schedule - User Interface Enhancements 

3.  Learn@Home Class Report

4. Ability To Send Cc Registration Confirmation Mail To Location Director And Add Additional Ccs

      4.1. Ability to send Class Reminders to Parents

5. Ability to cancel the scheduled class

6.  Ability to send Email to Participants

1. Downloadable Enrollment list and Scheduled Classes list


Learn@Home comes with new options to download the enrollment list and scheduled class list on its home page.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Learn@Home

You can download the Current/Incoming/Completed/Deleted Enrollment list in both .pdf and .csv format.

Both the downloadable .pdf and .csv format enrollment list will have the children's name, age group, date, class, day, time, and teacher’s name.



Using these download options, you can download the current, past, and future schedules of Learn@Home classes.



2. Staff Schedule - User Interface Enhancements 


1Core made some important User Interface enhancements in the Staff Schedule page of Learn@Home. 

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Learn@Home > Staff Schedule icon


You can access the Weekly/Daily Staff schedule by selecting Weekly/Daily options from the ‘View’ drop-down list on the Staff Schedule page. By default, you will be taken to the Staff Weekly Schedule page when you select the ‘Staff Schedule’ icon from the Learn@Home home page.


You can group the Weekly/Daily Staff Schedule by Staff/Classroom/Category. 

3. Learn@Home Class Report

Now, 1Core introduces a new report labeled ‘Learn@Home Class’ under the ‘Report’ section on the Learn@Home Setup.

Using this option, you can view and download a report with the staff’s name, class name, category, date, day, participant count, center’s time zone, and participant’s time zone information.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Learn@Home > Learn@Home Setup > Report > Learn@Home Class



4. Ability To Send Cc Registration Confirmation Mail To Location Director And Add Additional Ccs


You can now send a Registration Confirmation mail to Location Director and other involved persons at the Operation Setup stage.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Learn@Home > Setup > Operations


After a successful registration of parents into Learn@Home, center directors and other mentioned persons will receive a registration confirmation mail.

If the parent is not registered with 1Core Families Portal, they will be provided with a URL in the mail to register themselves in the 1Core Families Portal. 


4.1. Ability to send Class Reminders to Parents


Now you can send Class Reminders to Parents. This can be configured at the Operations setup stage on the Learn@Home.



You can set the time period for classroom reminders. If you set the ‘Send Reminders At 1 Hr Before’, then a reminder mail will be sent to the parents 1 hour before the scheduled start time of the classroom.



You can alter the time period for a reminder at any time by changing the before time in the ‘Send Reminders At’ drop-down list box. But the changes will take 24 Hrs to reflect.

5.  Ability to cancel the scheduled class


Now you can cancel a scheduled class by selecting the ‘Cancel’ button on the Class Details page.



After you have selected the ‘Cancel Class’ button, you will be directed to the next page where you can able to mention the reason for the cancellation of the class. The entered reason will be featured in the cancellation mail.

After you typed the reason, select the ‘Cancel Class’ button to cancel the scheduled class.

The participants to email list will be based on the parent’s email preference.




At the ‘Compose Email’ stage, you can enter the subject and body of the email. The reason that you have entered in the ‘Reason for Cancellation’ will be automatically featured in the body of the email. 



 6.  Ability to send Email to Participants


You can now send emails to participants of a classroom by using the ‘Send Email to Participants’ button from the Class Details page.

The participants to email list will be based on the parent’s email preference.