1. Families 

1.1. Ability to view the Payment in Progress details on the Families Ledger page.

Now you can view the payment in progress details on the Families Ledger page. Batch payments may contain several families' payment portions. After every batch transaction initiation, the families will get the details of their part of the pending transaction on the Families Ledger page.

2. Online Tuition Payment


2.1. Ability to view the batch payments made through TAP in the last 24 hours.

To give a better picture of the payments made via the TAP payments option, 1Core has now come up with a new additional feature in the 'Process TAP Payment based on Ledger Balance'. Now you can view the batch payments in the last 24 hours. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Online Tuition Payments > Process TAP Payment based  on Ledger Balance

Selecting the 'Process TAP Payment based on Ledger Balance' option will take you to the 'Process New TAP Payment' page. 

On the TAP Transaction Details page, the ACH and Card payments will be shown in different rows. 

2.2. Improved Security Measures to Curb the Double / Duplicate Payments.

1Core has added new measures in the TAP Payment option to curb out the incidents of double/duplicate payments. 

There are three main reasons for the duplicate / double payments issue. 

  1. Copy-Pasting the session link
  2. Refreshing while submitting the payment
  3. Disabled the Right Click on the Process TAP Payment Based on Ledger page
  4. Restricting the action of opening the same session link on various browsers simultaneously.

Note: These curbing measures also enabled for the ' Process TAP Payment for Family' page.

From now onwards, a payment session will get start when you enter into the 'Process TAP Payment Based on Ledger' page. 

Copy-Pasting the session link

You cannot open the same session link in another window on your browser by copy-pasting the link. If you try to open the session link in another window, you will get an error message. 

Refreshing while submitting the payment

Earlier, if you click the refresh button while submitting the payments there was a chance of double payment.

To curb out this, 1Core has come up with an improved measure, if you click the refresh button while the payment submission is underway, then the payment initiated will become void and no payment will be processed for that submission and you will be asked to go to the main page via an error pop up message. 

In addition to the above measure on the user level, from now onwards, you have to close an ongoing payment session before you toggle to other modules. If not, you will be asked to close the current session when you enter again to the 'Process TAP Payment based on Ledger Balance'. 

In the multicenter situation, you cannot abandon a payment session in one center and switch to another and process the batch payment, you will get an error message stating to close the abandoned session first in the other center. 

2.3. Enhancements in the 'Process TAP Payment for Family' option.

Now you can view the payment in progress details on the 'Process TAP Payment for Family' page. 

You can also view the last 10 transactions made for this family using the 'View the status of last 10 payments' option. 

2.4. Enhancements in the 'Review Status of Submitted TAP batches' option.

A new filter option has been added to the 'Review Status of Submitted TAP batches' option and now you can also view the batch transaction summary for a particular batch transaction on the 'View Submitted TAP payment' page.


Access Path : Center Dashboard > Online Tuition Payment > Review Status of Submitted TAP Batches 

2.5. Enhancement in the Issue Credit payment for Unitify payments. 

Unitify processes the card payments after 24 hours of the payment submission. So earlier, payments were failed often for the Unitify card payments. 

From now onwards, 1Core will keep the status of the Unitify payment pending for the 24 hours after the payment submission and will change the status 'Success' once after the confirmation from the Unitify side. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Online Tuition Payment > Refund/Issue Credit > Review Issue Credit Status

This pending payment status can be seen on the 'Issue Credit (Card)' page.

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Online Tuition Payment > Refund / Issue Credit > Issue Credit (Card)

2.6. Ability to view the Issue Credit history on the Families page.

Earlier, you cannot view the refund history on the Online Payment History page. Now you can view the Refund Transaction history on the Online Payment History page of the families module. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Families > Select a family > View Payment History 

3. Reports 

3.1. Ability to sort the Rollcall sheet based on Alphabetical order of Classroom and sort the Rollcall Report based on the children Date Of Birth.

1Core has now given options to sort the Rollcall sheet based on the Alphabetical order of the Classroom and the Rollcall Report based on the Children's Date of Birth. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Reports > Attendance > Rollcall Sheet

4. Family Portal

4.1. Ability to view the TAP card payment pending in the Family Portal.

Now you can view the TAP card payment processed by the center in the Family portal. 

4.2. New Caution message for the families who try to proceed with the same amount of payment submission through the same payment account twice with in the last 24 hours

In order to eradicate the Double / Duplicate payment, 1Core  has introduced a new caution message in the Family Portal. Now, families who try to proceed with the same amount of payment submission through the same payment account twice within the last 24 hours will get a caution message before their payment submission. 

Note : When you select 'Yes' on this caution message, the resultant payment will not be termed as Duplicate payment.