Users can move the Family Records from one center to another using this feature.
Center Dashboard --> Functions --> Enroll Families into Different Center:
Select the relevant family that must be moved to another center and click Next. The parent and child details will be displayed.
-Select the children records that need to be moved.
-Select the center to which the selected family and child record need to be moved.
-Click Next, a confirmation message will be displayed
The following details of Parent and Child Files will not be moved to the new center.
Parent Information:
1. Employer
2. Payment Frequency
3. TAP- They will have to re enroll for the new school
Child Information:
1. Classroom
2. Age Group
3. Enrollment Start Date
4. Child Id code
5. Child Program
6. Child Tuition
7. Subsidized Billing Information
8. Emergency Contact: Cellphone & Address
1. The family ledger entries will not be moved