CRM setup at the company level allows you to configure the Tour and waitlist setup. you can also get your unique Tour, Inquiry, and Waitlist URL from the CRM setup page.

1.Inquiry Setup

Using this tab, you can configure the fields for parent and child info sections of the 'Inquiry' form.

1.1. Communication Preference : 

It is the mode of communication preferred by the parent to communicate with them or reach them. By default, you will have 'Phone Only', 'Email Only', and 'Either Phone or Email' options. But you can add other means by selecting the 'Add New' from the 'View List' pop-up.

1.2.How did you hear from us?

This option helps you to find your referral source or the way the parent found you. You can add your source of referral by selecting the 'Add New' button on the View list pop-up.

1.3. Collecting the fields of the Child Info Section :

Here, in this section, you will be able to set the options for the parent for their desired program schedule and the estimated date from which they want the care for their child(ren).

After configuring your desired parent and child info section options, select the 'Copy' button of the Inquiry Form URL. You can use this Copied URL to send to the parents to get their detailed inquiry. 

Waitlist Setup

This tab allows you to configure the fee for the waitlist in your company. You can set the 'Waitlist Fee' for your company using this tab. 

Select the 'Copy URL' button to copy the Parent Waitlist Form URL. You can send this URL to parent(s) to help them to join the 'Waitlist' of your company. 

Tour Setup 

This tab will help you to set up your company's 'Tour' setup which includes the 'Creating Tour Slots', 'Uploading Tour Policy' for the company, and 'Tour Request timeline'.