To configure the CRM Setup for each center, you need to use the CRM setup available under the 'Setup' page on the center dashboard. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Setup > CRM Setup

Inquiry Setup

On the Inquiry Setup tab, you can see the Inquiry Setups that are configured at the company level. You cannot edit these setups here. The inquiry setup configured at the company level is common for all centers. 

Tour Setup

Tour setup helps you configure the tour invite for parents. You can add a director review status for the tour invite, optimize the tour date (e.g., how far in advance to allow parents to schedule a tour), and set the center's tour policy.

You can optimize the 'Tour Slot' for the center using the 'Tour Setup' tab.

You can add new slots for the tour using the 'Add Slot' option. You can edit already scheduled slots using the 'Edit' button next to the day, and you can delete existing schedules by selecting the 'Delete Schedule' button.

Note : You need to configure the tour invite options before you coping the 'Tour invite' link

Waitlist Setup

You can customize the waitlist settings for your center using the 'Waitlist Setup' tab.