Batch Functions are helpful in sending 'Invite to schedule tour', 'Invite to join waitlist', and 'Send email to parents' to multiple parents at a time. This will help you to respond to multiple inquiries and invites in a batch and saves you a lot of time in processing inquiries and invites one by one. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > CRM > Batch Functions

The Batch Functions option will be available under all the tabs present in the CRM dashboard. 

Inquiry Tab :

Invite to Schedule Tour

Under the Inquiry tab, on the 'Batch Functions,' you will find the 'Invite to Schedule Tour' option to send tour invite to multiple parents in a batch.

Invite to Join Waitlist :

You can send waitlist invites to multiple parents as a batch using the 'Invite to Join waitlist' option under the 'Batch Functions'. 


Send Email to Parents

If you wish to respond to the received inquiries and registered invites with a message without any scheduled tour requests or waitlist invites, you can do that by using the 'Send Email to Parents' option.

After selecting the parents from the available inquiries, compose the email Subject, Message, and attach relevant documents (if any).