You can make the digital wet signature of a parent/authorized person mandatory for the sign in/out of the children in the 1Core Family and Attend apps.
To enable this option :
Access Path : Company Dashboard > Locations > Select Center > Edit
1Core Family App:
1. Children Sign In :
2. Child Sign Out :
1Core Attend App
1. Children Sign In :
2. Child Sign Out :
Reflection of Digital Signature on the Child Time Card
In the above picture, 'Tracy' is a parent user and 'Janet' is an authorized contact person. Both signed into the 1Core Attend app to sign in/out a child. Using the Authorized/Parent ID Code both parent and authorized contact person can access the 1Core Attend app.
Note : Those who use the Child ID code to login to the 1Core Attend are not required to put the digital signature to sign in/out the child.
Reflection of Digital Signature on the Child Attendance Summary report
'New Report' - Child Time Clock Entries Report
You can use this report to generate the 'Time Clock' entries (1Core Family and Attend App Sign In/Out) of the children with or without 'Digital Wet signature'.
Access Path : Center Dashboard > Reports > Child Time Clock Entries Report