1. Company Level - Inbox and Template :

1Core has introduced new inbox and template setups at the company level. Using the inbox setup you can view the email, SMS, and call log history with sender information, read/unread, and delivery status. 

Template setup is a repository of parent and director-level email templates where you can edit and preview the email templates. 

Inbox :

Here, you can view the total communications sent and responded to between center and inquiries (Email, SMS, and Call Log) and the total count of messages (Read/Unread/Undelivered).



Select the 'Preview' button to view the template contents. 

To edit the template content, select the 'Edit' button. Here, you can edit the Email Subject, add Email cc, add/edit placeholders and Email body. 


By selecting the 'Apply Changes To Center' button, you can apply the change made in the 'Edit' page to a particular center in your company. Using this option will change company-level email as well as the selected center's email.

Select the center(s) to apply email template changes,

Select the 'Yes' button on the pop-up to apply the Email template changes to the selected center(s).

Customize for a center :

You can also customize the Email template(s) for a particular company directly from the 'Email Template Management - Company Level' page using the 'Customize for a center' option.


Note : Like company level, In the center level CRM, Inbox and Template options are introduced. You can carry out all the options stated above on the center level also for a particualr center.

2. Ratings and Tags

Now, you can add ratings and tags to your inquiries. This will help you to categorize the incoming inquiry and prioritize your response.

Access Path : Company Dashboard > CRM > Setup > Inquiry Setup


Select the 'Yes' radio button to enable the Ratings and tags. You can view the list of ratings and tags using the 'View List link. 

3. Video Tour

Now, you can send a video recording of your center (Video Tour / Virtual Tour) to the parents / Inquiries along with the tour schedule. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > CRM > Setup > Tour Setup

You can upload your center's tour video along with a thumbnail.


4. Task 

Earlier, you were allowed to add a task only for families. Now, you have been given the option to add a task to the staff without selecting any family. 

This feature is specifically for the internal use of the centers.

Access Path : Center Dashboard > CRM > Tasks 

Choose a task type, description, date, time, assigned to (responsible person), and priority.


5. Tour Calendar

You can now view the parent(s) name on the tour calendar. This will help you to better prepare and organize your center tour. 


6. Filters on CRM Center Level Dashboard

1Core introduces new filters on the CRM center level dashboard to effectively filter the records in the Inquiry, Tour, Waitlist, and Enrollment tabs.

You can now filter the records based on Age Group, Tags, and Rating.

7. Send Text Messages to Parents


You can now send 'Text Messages' to parents using the 'Batch Functions' option present in the CRM Center Dashboard.

Select the parent(s) from the list.

Type your message in the text editor,

8. Actions

To improve the inquiry processing, 1Core has added new actions under a 3-dot menu parallel to every New / Responded / Change Requested tab. Now you can directly add tags, ratings, notes, call logs, tasks, Emails, and SMS using the 3-dot menu.

8.1. Action - Process 

You can now process an inquiry directly by selecting the 'Process' option via the 3-Dot menu. This process option allows you to add 'Rating and Tags' directly to the new inquiry and you can also view the communications that happened between the parent and center.

 Here, on the communications pop-up, you can view the status of communications (sent/read/undelivered).

Select the 3-dot menu at the upper right to view the status of the communication.


8.2. Process -Invite Tour

Now, you can edit the template while sending Tour Invite/ ReSchedule Tour/ Join Waitlist / Invite to Join Waitlist mail to an individual parent(s) and you can also attach the 'Tour / Promotional Video' along with the invite. 

You can change the Email CC, subject, body, and video before sending it.