Copying an existing camp setup and renaming it to create a new camp is an easy and efficient process using 1CoreSolution. This feature simplifies the process of creating camps across your center, as well as duplicating camp setups within the same center or across multiple centers within your company. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Camp > Add Camp 

By copying an existing camp setup, you can save time and effort when creating new camps, as well as easily replicate camp configurations across your organization.

Follow these steps to copy a camp setup:

  1. Click the "Add Camp" button.
  2. On the "Add Camp" pop-up, select the "Copy from existing camp" option and click "Next."
  3. Choose a camp from the list of existing camps at this center and click "Next".

Note: Click the filter icon on the right side to choose the centers under the company.

4. On the camp setup wizard, you will encounter steps like 'Camp', 'Discount', 'Add-on Sessions', 'Session', and 'Merchandise'.

5. Enter the relevant information and save the camp.

If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact our support team. Check out our Copy Existing Camp help video for a visual guide on setting up your camp.