The 'Hourly Staff Actual vs. Budgeted Hours Report' displays the actual and budgeted hours of the active staff, including the number of staff members, their actual staff hours, and budgeted hours, along with their break hours, variance and percentage.

This report will be generated exclusively for active staff and will include break hours for budgeted hour calculations.

Access Path: Company Dashboard > Reports > Hourly Staff Actual vs. Budgeted Hours report



It can be generated in two ways as mentioned below: 

  1. Based on Days Worked:   Compares the actual hours with the budgeted hours only for the days when staff are present.
  2. Based on Staff Schedule: Compares the actual hours with the total budgeted hours set in the staff schedule.

1. Based on Days Worked

The report compares the actual hours worked to the total budgeted hours but only for the days when staff are present.


Budgeted Staff Hours

When a staff member has attendance, then their scheduled hours will be calculated and displayed.

For instance, if a center has 6 staff members scheduled for 8 hours, but only 2 staff members have recorded attendance, the budgeted staff hours will be calculated as follows:

2 Staff * 8 Hours Schedule = 16 hours.

Actual Staff Hours

The staff actual attendance hours are calculated and displayed as follows.

For instance, if a center has 6 staff members scheduled for 8 hours, but only 2 staff members were present for 1 hour, then...

The calculation would be 2 Staff * 1 hour = 2 hours in total.


The variance will be determined by subtracting the Actual Staff Hours from the Budgeted Staff Hours 

Variance = (2 – 16 = -14)

2. Based on Staff Schedule

The report generates a comparison of actual hours to the total budgeted hours set in the staff schedule.

Budgeted Staff Hours

 When a staff member has a schedule, Budgeted Hours will be displayed.


'Budgeted Hours' refer to the scheduled hours/planned hours, including breaks, for active staff. 


For instance, if a staff member is scheduled for 9 hours on Monday (10/30/2023), including a break, their budgeted hours for that day would be 9 hours.


Consider this scenario: If a center has 6 staff members scheduled for 8 hours, 

The calculation would be: 6 Staff * 8 Hours = 48 hours in total.


Actual Staff Hours

Actual Hours’ refers to the actual staff hours of active staff, irrespective of their scheduled hours on a day.

For instance, if a center has 5 staff members scheduled for 8 hours but only 2 staff members are present for 1hour,

The calculation would be: 2 Staff * 1 hours = 2 hours in total.

 The variance is calculated by subtracting the Budgeted Staff Hours from the Actual Staff Hours


Variance = (2 - 48 = -46)

Note: If staff Sign-IN at the center but forget to Sign-Out on a day, their actual hours won't be calculated in the report.