This report provides the Staff Hours Summary along with Staff Name, Staff ID, Staff Position, Staff Department, Payroll Group (Hourly or Salaried), Time Clocked Hours, Adjusted Hours, AM Hours or PM Hours, PTO Types, and Payroll Hours.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Reports > Staff > Staff Hours Summary Report

You can use three filter options: Staff Position, Staff Department, and Payroll Group for inclusion in the report.

Time Clocked Hours - In this Staff total hours will be shown including their OT hours.

Adjusted Hours - Only the scheduled hours are accounted for, irrespective of whether the staff works more or fewer hours than scheduled.

AM & PM Hours - In this Staff hours are displayed as how long they have worked in AM and PM hours.

PTO Hours        - Designated for staff, PTO (Paid Time Off) Hours have already been created within the PTO Types.

Payroll Hours  - This section displays the total payroll for staff members. It calculates both regular and overtime (OT) hours, irrespective of their payroll group, whether they are hourly or salaried.

Payroll Group - The preference set in the profile—whether salaried or hourly.

Position           - The positions or departments that have been mapped in the staff profile.