This report generates the Time IN and OUT and also displays whether the staff have used PTO during the selected period.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Reports > Staff > Staff Time Sheet

Pay Period     - Select a date or it will generate based on the pre-set of Staff Payroll Hour

Date Range     - Enter custom dates or click the   icon to choose a date.

There are two filters available


'Group by Time Interval' allows you to generate reports based on 5, 10, 15, and 20-minute transition intervals.

By selecting 'Do you want to include staff absence', you can include staff absences in the report. 


By selecting 'Include Supervisor Name,' you can include the supervisor's name in the report. The center supervisor's name will be displayed by default, but you can edit the name if required. 

Standard Hours (Std Hrs) - Scheduled hours 

Actual Hours (Hrs) - Actual hours 

Variance (Var) - Difference between ‘Standard hours’ and ‘Actual hours’

Payroll Hours - Considering both regular and overtime hours based on their schedule

If a staff member's scheduled hours are 9 hours and they work for 9 hours and 30 minutes, the additional 30 minutes will be counted as overtime. Overtime hours are determined by their scheduled hours.

If your staff time clock entries report includes multiple sign ins and sign outs with minimal intervals due to frequent classroom movements, and you prefer a more concise report, you can use the 'Time Interval' option.


Group by time interval helps the centers to consolidate the entries of the staff by an interval period, 

Let's say the interval is set to '5 minutes'. A staff member signs in at 08:00 AM and signs out at 10:00 AM. They then sign back in at 10:04 AM and sign out again at 11:30 AM. Since the time interval between the sign-out at 10:00 AM and the next sign-in at 10:04 AM is less than 5 minutes, these two sign-ins and sign-outs are considered a single entry i.e.,  08:00 AM to 11:30 AM.