This report generates the Time IN and OUT and also displays whether the staff have used PTO during the selected period.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Reports > Staff > Staff Time Sheet

Pay Period     - Select a date or it will generate based on the pre-set of Staff Payroll Hour

Date Range     - Enter custom dates or click the   icon to choose a date.

There are two filters available


'Group by Time Interval' allows you to generate reports based on 5, 10, 15, and 20-minute transition intervals.


By selecting 'Include Supervisor Name,' your report will include the respective supervisor's name.

Standard Hours (Std Hrs) - Scheduled hours 

Actual Hours (Hrs) - Actual hours 

Variance (Var) - Difference between ‘Standard hours’ and ‘Actual hours’

Payroll Hours - Considering both regular and overtime hours based on their schedule

If a staff member's scheduled hours are 9 hours and they work for 9 hours and 30 minutes, the additional 30 minutes will be counted as overtime. Overtime hours are determined by their scheduled hours.

Use ‘Group by Interval’ to exclude a 5/10/15/20-minute interval generated in the report. 

For instance when a staff member logs in at 8:00 AM, logs out at 8:05 AM, and then logs in again at 8:06 AM-10:00 AM. To exclude specific intervals (such as 5, 10, 15, or 20 minutes), use the 'Group by Interval' option.

By default, the report generates every interval of staff activity.