1. Employee’s Location Change Synchronization – Automated

Previously, whenever location changes occurred for employees, we manually updated the BambooHR mapping with the new location. 

Now, this process is automated. Moving forward, if any changes occur in the employees’ location assignment, it will be automatically synchronized with 1Core, i.e. the system will automatically map their 1Core record to the new location. 

Using their existing 1Core account, both staff and directors can access their new location without creating a new 1Core account.

After relocating from one location to another, the staff account allows them to view their Timecard and Payroll Hours for both their previous and current locations.

2. New Feature: Company Level Reports

2.1 Staff Records

A new report titled 'Staff Record' has been introduced at the company level. By selecting the centers, Basic details of staff can be viewed and downloaded in the ‘Staff Record’ , including the BambooHR mapping status of the staff.

Access Path:  Company Dashboard  > Reports Staff Management  > Staff Records 


The filters in the report, help the user to view and download the staff records by their, 

  • Center
  • Status 
  • Staff Position
  • Employment Date (None, Hire Date / Termination Date)

The ‘Employment Date’ filter will work as below,

None: Will not consider the employees’ hire date and termination date. The report will display all the staff records, based on the selected Staff Status and Position. 

Hire Date: Within the 'Hire Date' section, you have the option to choose the period. Once the period is selected, you can view the individuals hired during that period.

Example: If you want to see people who were hired during the selected period January to March, then select 'January to March', and you will be able to see the list of hired persons in the selected period.

Termination Date: Within the ‘Termination Date’ section, you have the option to choose period. Once the period is selected, you can view the individuals who got terminated during that period. 

Example: If you want to see persons who were terminated during the selected period January to March, then select 'January to March', and you will be able to see the list of terminated persons in the selected period.



2.2 Payroll Hours Summary

A new report titled ‘Payroll Hours Summary’ has been introduced at the company level. This will display all the records with details of the payroll hours along with a full summary. In this, all the staff reports can be viewed in a single place.

Access Path: Company Dashboard > Reports > Staff Management > Payroll Hours Summary

This report facilitates the viewing and downloading of staff worked hours details, along with the details of approved or not-approved payroll hours. By default, the report will be generated in current pay period, but it can be modified as per your requirements.

You can be able to click on the numbers shown above the "0:00 hours" in both the worked hours and payroll hours sections.

By clicking the numbers associated with each row, the report provides additional information about the staff timecard, including the option to download it.

Base Location Hours: Hours the staff work in their home location.

Other location hours: Hours staff worked at a different location.

Approved Hours: Number of hours approved for payroll.

Not Approved: Number of hours not approved for payroll.

Worked Hours: If you click on the hours, you can view the summary for each day. In the summary, by clicking the dropdown menu in the ‘Action’ section, you can see the classroom movement details, such as staff sign-ins and sign-outs, along with the corresponding notes.

Payroll Hours: Clicking on the hours allows you to view the summary of each day, including details such as 'Approved by' and 'Approved on’. By selecting the dropdown menu in the 'Action' section, you can see classroom movement details such as staff sign-ins and sign-outs, along with the corresponding notes.




3. Allow Center Director to Setup 1Core Account. 

Previously, after importing the Center Director record into 1Core, company administrators had to set up the 1Core account for Center Directors.

Now, when importing the record from BambooHR to 1Core, the system will automatically send an invitation email to the director, allowing them to set up their 1Core account. 

The link provided in the email enables them to create an account to access 1Core.

4. Introduced ‘Partially Approved’ Status 

Now ’Partially Approved’ status is introduced in the ‘Approve Payroll Hours’ page.

After submitting the payroll hours for a week / period, when adding a new timecard entry or making any changes to the existing timecard, the status will change from 'Approved' to 'Partially Approved'. 

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Staffing > 9 Dots > Approve Payroll Hours                         

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